I once held the dream of being a video game designer. Every time I play a video game, I'm thinking through what I like and dislike about their design choices, what I would adapt for my own games, and what I would do differently. It's an obsession that pulls me in. But the amount of time and effort it would take to accomplish this in any meaningful way would overtake my other dreams, so I decided to put that dream down.

Every time I play a game, this dream attempts to jump right back into my arms. So I'm looking for other ways to scratch the itch that work with my other goals instead of against them. Perhaps I can design a board game instead? My brother is planning to start a board game company, and I could easily partner with him. Perhaps I can focus on roleplaying games, so I feel that I have a part in writing the story, or games that allow me to design my own characters or levels.

Dreams we truly care about never seem to be possible to fully lay down, but I think it's good to find ways to adapt them to our lives. (I also dream of being a writer, and that dream I will NEVER lay down.)

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Oh, I think it would be so fun to design table top games! Every now and then my husband and I come up with an idea for a board game, but then we get busy and forget all about it.

It really is so hard to lay down those long and deeply held dreams, though. But I'm learning that when I do, it turns out that God had something better in mind for me that I needed to make space for.

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